Since this is my web site it's only fitting that I plaster it up with a few
pictures of me even if, as I look at these pictures, it doesn't strike me as
being a particularly good idea.
Click on each picture to get a larger one and some (usually) smartass remarks.
Photo from Roger Anderson. c.1915
I went through grades K-6 in the same school. It was Lincoln Elementary School
in Huron, South Dakota at the corner of 10th St. and Illinois SW. At the time
it was the oldest of the six elementary schools in Huron. A couple of years
after me and my class moved on to the big times -- junior high school -- they
did away with kindergarten classes at Lincoln, and then several years later
they did away with the whole school. It was used from 1910-1975. It was torn
down to make way for some apartment houses. Great. At least they named the
apartments Lincoln Square.
Anyway, here are the class photographs of me and all of the little geeks that
I went to grade school with. I really hate to subject all of these innocent
kids to the ravages of the Internet, but it just goes to show you that we
began to lose our rights to privacy long before most people think we did.
Click on each picture to get a larger one.