This experiment was funded by the Santa Clara Valley Water District. They seem to be worried about earthquakes and their water pipes, which is a bit funny since this experiment was delayed quite some time because they were worried that a couple of the explosions for the experiment would damage one of their pipes. We used their warehouse facility in San Jose as a programming and data downloading location.
The routine was pretty standard. Only the Ref Tek 125 "Texans" recording instruments were used for this portion of the experiment. Batteries were placed into the Texans (2 D-cells), and the event table describing the recording schedule was programmed into the Texans.
Below is a photograph of Rufus Catchings. He was the Principle Investigator (PI) for this experiment. He works for the US Geological Survey (USGS) in Menlo Park, California.
Two "bridge" computers that are used to talk to the Texans during programming and data downloading were set up on the back of a mini-truck in the warehouse. The two displays on the right in the picture below are them. The shooting schedule was fairly short, so it only took a few minutes to program a set of Texans. Three transcases, with 15 Texans each, can be connected to one bridge at a time. We programmed a little over 400 Texans. The setup, programming, and breakdown took about five hours.
Good government workers can't resist standing around with their hands in
their pockets.
Actually, they were just keeping out of the way so they didn't get hurt.